Our Vision

More than anything, we seek to optimize the use of resources – both natural and the human mind.

A Manifesto to Parametic Architecture

To us, parametric design is not merely about sculptural shape exploration, however impressive such explorations may be. Our goal is not to increase structural complexity but simplifying any construction process by better controlling information. More than anything, we seek to optimize the use of resources – both natural and the human mind.

Born out of a frustration with inefficiencies of monotonous tasks in the industry, we created our first product: A tool to generate and evaluate proposals at earlier stages, helping point planning in a better direction sooner. All at once, it is now possible to compare designs side-by-side, allowing the architect to depart from something else than a blank paper.

Our goal is not to cut out human touch from the built environment. Rather, in a dream scenario, the time we free is re-invested in qualities that make up truly liveable cities, be it craftsmanship or affordability.

Let’s end the manifesto there and let’s get to work!

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