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Start exploring Hektar for free and gain access to its powerful generative algorithms.
Unlock export features and access to key statistics for maximum efficiency and seamless workflow integration.
For large teams and custom requirements, such as fitting specific apartment modules.
0 €
per user/mo
179 €
per user/mo
billed monthly
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Try Hektar
Hektar Free features:
The latest generative design algorithms for housing schemes
Server side building proposal generations
Variation of inputs as design drivers, such as target exploitation
Try Hektar
Everything in Hektar Free, and:
Area & Ratio output such as apartment distribution
Export the model and work in the CAD of your choice
Filter your scenarios and find the optimal solution for you
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Everything in Hektar Pro, and:
Any customization e.g. implementing custom modules
Personalized support from our team of architects
Introductory meetings and workshop

Compare plans

Start exploring Hektar for free and gain access to its powerful generative algorithms.

Try Hektar

Unlock export features and access to key statistics for maximum efficiency and seamless workflow integration.

Try Hektar

For large teams and custom requirements, such as fitting specific apartment modules.

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Price (billed monthly)
Price per month billed monthly
0 €
179 €
Contact sales
Price (billed yearly)
Price per year billed anually
0 €
1790 €
Contact sales
Amount of active projects
Available scenarios per project

Import & Input

Split site
Non-buildable area
Access points
Import .dwg/.dxf file
Import .png file
Zoning plans
Where available open source, on request.


Target exploitation
Smart site division
Server side generation
Smart building heights

Filter & Outputs

Shareable link
Compare scenarios
Export .3dm
Export .csv file
Filter scenarios

Tailored features

Custom models
Personalized support

FAQ - Pricing

Is Hektar free to use?

Yes, the base tier of Hektar is free and will continue to be so. There are some limitations however in the free tier. Please have a look at our pricing page for the full list of features in each tier.

We’re a large team and we’d like to purchase a set of licenses. Is that possible?

Yes, it is. Please contact us and we’ll help you to get started.

FAQ - Features

I’m missing a feature in Hektar, when will it be implemented?

We’re constantly working to make Hektar better, but we’re still at an early stage and some features are still to be included. The way we chose what to build next is mostly based on the feedback that we receive from our users, so if there is a feature, you’d like to see please let us know by using the feedback from in Hektar or by sending us and email.

What is generative design and how can it help me to create better buildings?

Generative design is a design philosophy where we use goals and constraints to guild the design instead of drawings. One of the advantages of using generative design in an early design phase is that is can account for many different types of rules at once and it makes it easier to explore a vast design landscape quickly.

Can I share my projects with anyone?

Yes! You can share a project by either inviting someone how already have a Hektar account. If the person you’re trying to invite hasn’t signed up already you can invite them for a free account to share your project. You can also use a sharable link to invite anyone to your project, but only send it to the people you want to have access – anyone with the link can see your project.

Got questions? Shoot!

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We aim to get back to you within 1-2 business days. However, depending on the topic answering times may vary slightly. For urgent matters, please call us on +46 72 252 11 14.

If you are interested in a demo of Hektar, you can schedule it right away here.