
Upgrade to Hektar Pro

Note that this article describe the action to upgrade to Hektar Pro which mean an upgrade to a paid plan with monthly subcribtion.


  1. When logged in to Hektar press the Free icon in the upper right corner to see all the availible plans for Hektar.
  2. In the section with Hektar Pro, you can see all the features currently offered within the plan. Press Buy Now to enter our payment service.
  3. The payment is made through our partner Stripe. You can either use their service Link to simplify your payment process or fill in all payment information manually.
  4. We support card payments with Mastercard, Visa, JCB or American Express.
  5. A recepit will be sent to the email connected to your account.

Assigning the plan

  1. Once you have bought the plan, you have to assign it to your account.
  2. Enter the profile Settings through the dropdown expanded when pressing your profile picture in the top right corner.
  3. In the left hand panel, go to the Plans tab. Here you will see that you have a Pro license under Manage Licenses.
  4. Press the Assign button.
  5. A modal pops up for you to decide which account you want to connect the license to. If you wish to connect it to yourself. Press Assign plan to myself.